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Mary Jeana's Articles

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'tis the Farewell Season

It’s that time of the year when juniors are bustling around to fit in a farewell party for the final years amidst their busy schedule. The list of farewells to attend just never seems to end, what with a lively campus like ours. Department farewells,

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Breaking Bones

This is the story of a struggling engineering sophomore, diagnosed with clumsiness. Take a trip with me, to know the five badass ways to break your bones. 1. Ride a cycle: Ask your parents to buy a new cycle for you and your sibling. Take the newly

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A Rewind But Got to Move Forward

      Wow! It seems like it was just yesterday when I had come for counselling. Though, all I can feel now are mixed emotions. On one side, I am happy that this hectic semester has come to an end but on the other hand it makes me sad that one year in

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'tis the Farewell Season

It’s that time of the year when juniors are bustling around to fit in a farewell party for the final years amidst their busy schedule. The list of farewells to attend just never seems to end, what with a lively campus like ours. Department farewells,

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Breaking Bones

This is the story of a struggling engineering sophomore, diagnosed with clumsiness. Take a trip with me, to know the five badass ways to break your bones. 1. Ride a cycle: Ask your parents to buy a new cycle for you and your sibling. Take the newly

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A Rewind But Got to Move Forward

      Wow! It seems like it was just yesterday when I had come for counselling. Though, all I can feel now are mixed emotions. On one side, I am happy that this hectic semester has come to an end but on the other hand it makes me sad that one year in